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Distance learning presents us all with different challenges.

We are all learning how to do things differently for a while.




1. Establish routines and expectations

It's important to develop good habits from the start. Create a flexible routine and talk about how it’s working over time. 


2. Choose a good place to learn

Your family’s regular learning space for occasional homework might not work for extended periods.


3. Stay in touch

Teachers will mainly be communicating regularly through TeacherEase and school email. 


4. Help students ‘own’ their learning

No one expects parents to be full-time teachers or to be educational and content matter experts. Provide support and encouragement, and expect your children to do their part. Struggling is allowed and encouraged! Don’t help too much. Becoming independent takes lots of practice. 


5. Begin and end the day by checking-in

In the morning, you might ask:

• What classes/subject do you have today?
• Do you have any assessments?
• How will you spend your time?
• What resources do you need?
• What can I do to help?

At the end of the day you might ask:
• How far did you get in your learning tasks today?
• What did you discover? What was hard?
• What could we do to make tomorrow better?





6. Establish times for quiet and reflection

For families with children of different ages, and parents who may also be unexpectedly working from home more often, it’s good to build in some time for peace and quiet. 


7. Monitor time on-screen and online

Distance learning does not mean staring at computer screens seven and a half hours every day.

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