Holy Trinity School
"We Believe and Achieve"
For Registrations
Call Now: 508-673-6772
Holy Trinity School provides a Christ-based,
academically challenging education in a safe and
nurturing environment. We aim to instill a lifelong desire for learning,
to promote respect for self and others, and to recognize diversity that will prepare
each child for a productive role in a global society.
Mrs. Brenda Gagnon
Tel: 508-673-6772
Mrs. Michelle Soares
Tel: 508-673-6772
Special Education
Mrs. Amanda deOliveira
Mrs. Kathy Robinson
Mrs. Katherine Wessman
Pre K
Mrs. Eleanor Monast
Pre K 4
Mrs. Caitlin Hoffman
Mrs. Caitlin Scholes
1st Grade
Mrs. Susan Pacheco
2nd Grade
Mrs. JoAnn DaRosa
3rd Grade
Ms. Catherine Orszulak
4th Grade
Mrs. Kimberly Oliveira
5th Grade
Mr. Nelson DaRosa
6th Grade
Mrs. Kristyn Johnson
7th Grade
Ms. Dorothy Mahoney-Pacheco
8th Grade
Mrs. Kimberly Flynn
English Consultant
Mr. Michael LePage
Mrs. Delia Cabral
Ms. Terry Cabral
Mr. Matthew DeLeo
Computer/ Portuguese
Mrs. Paula Freitas
Mrs. Patricia Roies
Physical Education
Mr. Jon Hoffman